Did you know… your saliva and dental health is related to each other?
Your body produces approximately 1.5 litres of saliva every day. It’s an important fluid helping to naturally disinfect your mouth, while preventing tooth decay. Additionally, helping you maintain healthy gums by ‘washing’ away excess food particles. In short, your saliva and dental health goes hand in hand, saliva contains vital substances designed to fight cavities and other infections.
Too Little Saliva
There are times you may experience a dry mouth. This can happen when the salivary glands in your mouth aren’t producing enough saliva. Often, this may be because you are dehydrated and you don’t have sufficient fluid to make the saliva you need. You may also experience a dryer mouth if you are experiencing anxiety. It can also happen as a result of medications you may be taking. However, having a dry mouth for too long can lead to increased plaque, tooth decay and gum disease etc.
It’s important to stay vigilant about your oral health and have regular dental checkups. This will help identify these problems earlier, helping you avoid more serious oral health issues later.
Clumpy, White Saliva
This could be a sign of a yeast infection called thrush. Although rare in healthy adults, it can affect people with diabetes, and we can prescribe an anti-fungal medication to clear up this infection.
Acidic Saliva
Ideally, your mouth has a neutral pH, but if your mouth is too acidic, it creates the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive, increasing your risk of cavities. Our dentist can test the acidity of your mouth using a special pH strip, and if needed we can provide advice on how to maintain a more neutral pH.
If you are worried about the condition of your saliva, contact us for help and advice during your next checkup.